October 06, 2012


The moon was waiting long as I was
There is a sound late at night
The nostalgia, the expectation is freezing like the cold porch outside
The night was sunk, why hasn't my hands been warm yet?

- Le Thi Kim
_ (()) _

Trăng đã mỏi như ta đã mỏi
Có tíêng gì khuya khoắt trong đêm
Nỗi nhớ mong cóng lạnh mái hiên
Đêm đã lụn sao tay mình chưa ấm?

- Lê Thị Kim

September 20, 2012


It is often hard to forget the first love
The conceptualist calm magic feeling
Also can not forget the last love at all
The last light the night following 

Up and down the life-cycle with hundred rivers and thousand streams 
It is often not easy to have the first love for forever 
Obstacles arduous with many times of overcoming 
Happy ending, maybe the love afterwards 

I met you when I experienced over half of the life 
There were two properties in my love
Both the first love and the last love 
Although I wished to remove the memory to forget, how could I do? 

My deep gratitude to your heart, the late wind 
The old blossom flower, the late song of bird 
I have been langwished, you finally arrived 
The sun is still obvious in spite of the late autumn 

- Vo Hong 

_ (()) _

Ta thường khó quên mối tình thứ nhất
Cảm giác bâng khuâng kỳ ảo êm đềm
Cũng không thể quên mối tình chót hết
Ánh sáng cuối cùng tiếp sau là đêm

Xuôi ngược dòng đời trăm sông nghìn suối
Mối tình đầu thường không dễ bền lâu
Trắc trở gian nan bao lần chắp nối
Trọn vẹn chăng, họa chỉ mối tình sau

Đi quá nửa đường em mới gặp anh
Tình yêu trong em mang hai tính chất
Vừa tình cuối cùng, vừa tình thứ nhất
Dẫu muốn quên, quên đâu được, sao đành?

Thâm tạ lòng anh, ngọn gió muộn màng
Cánh hoa nở chậm tiếng chim trễ tràng
Em mỏi mắt chờ, cuối cùng anh đến
Dẫu vào thu, nhưng nắng vẫn rỡ ràng

-Võ Hồng

Translated to English by Nga, any comment or correction, please share, thank you!

September 19, 2012

Scattered feeling and writing out

... You have come and picked me out of this life. I called you the man from sky. A peaceful shoulder and everything alright. When will I find this guy?! _ (()) _ I knew this statement in Blue Blood film. The woman tried to seduce a married man. She asked him what his wife had that she did not have. The married man said: "She had me". I wished my father also said that when he was having a fair... _ (()) _